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Aron Afshar - Sad Sale Noori Video

Date: 2023. 10. 18.
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Date: 2023. 10. 18.
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Tags: eladásszomorú
Category: music

The lyrics of the song Hundred Years of Noori by Aron Afshar


The world has its people, with many and few,
for this heart of mine, you can't, can't, can't care about
the world, as long as you are
with me, the paradise they say is right here with you, always, always,
you, the most beautiful poem on my lips,
even a madman like me, he didn't want Lily, he didn't want
me, oh God Other than you, what do I want
to hear my name from your lips every night and every day? How beautiful it is
Your love is my law and I don't have a heart for
. Adam and Sibeh
are good, even though your deception is like a doctor,
love is not a little painful, my wound is not wings and feathers,
there is no door for me except you...
Your love is my law, it hurts and I don't want you
. This is sitting at your feet