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Reza Malekzadeh - Darde Shirin Video

Date: 2023. 10. 17.
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Date: 2023. 10. 17.
Shares: 0
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Tags: malekzadereza
Category: music

I stayed at his feet until he grew taller, but without knowing,
he gave his heart to a single sky...
He, who said he was restless, until the world turned, he saw an opportunity and
showed me the other side...
but know that my God is also my mistake. No matter what you did to me, you are my soul,
my sweet pain, my sin, my mistake, my mistake, no matter how far away you are, you were
not my friend, I was a helper, I was so gullible, he left, I was a spectator,
his distance made me sad, waiting for him made me old, I had a bad dream about his departure. He interpreted me
, but know that my God is also my mistake, even though you have done bad things to me, you are my soul, my
sweet pain, my sin, my mistake, my mistake, no matter how far I am from you, I look forward to your journey.

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