Tisztelt Felhasználó! Legyen ön is felelős Internet használó és kapcsolja be a láblécben található gyermekzárat, hogy a digitális eszközt használó kiskorú felhasználó ne tudjon elérni 18 év alattiaknak nem ajánlott tartalmakat. A gyermekzár bekapcsolásával ezek a tartalmak automatikusan letiltásra kerülnek a Videa felületein. Ezt a felelős lépést csak ön tudja megtenni.

A kiskorúakra nézve káros tartalom elérését a Videa Általános Felhasználási Feltételeinek május 3-i változásával összhangban kizárólag regisztrált felhasználóinknak engedélyezük.


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Date: 2024. 04. 25.
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Date: 2024. 04. 25.
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Category: news & politics

At the last local government elections held in 2019, foreign residents of Budapest were targeted by activists working for the Hungarian opposition. These foreign residents, raised on a diet of anti-Orbán propaganda were easy prey for the opposition activists. These activists had no trouble in muddying the water where local and national politics were concerned, and so they convinced the foreigners to vote in local elections with an eye on the national prize. As a result, foreign residents, disapproving of a Hungarian government sought to undermine the national electoral success of Viktor Orbán. Budapest’s mayor was replaced by a man who was put into power by an ex-prime minister. Gyurcsány, the man who installed the present mayor of Budapest, took charge of the police when they attacked innocent civilians in 2006, and then bankrupted Hungary in 2008. Not a man to be trifled with. With a series of vlogs aimed at foreign residents in Budapest, we’d like to try to redress the balance. Foreign residents were fooled in 2019. And we’re all paying the price for that. This time, let’s help them see the whole picture. Let’s not get burned again.