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Are The Four Gospels Infallible?

Date: 2020. 05. 12.
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Category: news & politics

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Date: 2020. 05. 12.
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Tags: baptistachristianearthembergospeligaziigazságkegyelemmegütipeaceszerelemtemplomvallásvilágélet
Category: news & politics
Most Christians believe that all of the Bible is inspired, or God breathed. Does that mean that all of the Bible is equal in authority, or that all of it is infallible? There seem to be errors in the Bible, and that seems to include the four Gospels. How can we believe in the authority of the Gospels, if we do not believe them to be perfect? This video will help you to discern truth without needing blind faith in biblical dogmas, or the false doctrines which stem from using proof texts to supp