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Dark Minds - S01E07 - Mississippi Five

Movie Queen
Date: 2024. 04. 05.
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Date: 2024. 04. 05.
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First I thought the method is the key here and very important:

1. Miss Everett and Mrs. Randall were bound, gagged,and strangled...but the robbery wasn't important, the killer didn't steal anything...he/she is a psycophath. The first killer.
2. Mr. Fowler and Mr. Wilbanks stabbed to death, after robbery...drug-related, the cash was important, not the murder. The second killer.
3. Mr. Hannah was beaten to death, because he knew/saw/heard something, no robbery, he was poor. Beat, later burn somebody is much personal...Mr. Hannah knew his killer. The third killer.


Phelps: 5 victims, 5 killers. Me: 5 victims, 3 killers. But since then police arrested Mr. Wilbanks' killer and Mr. Fowler's killer too, two different guys.
The other three murders are still unsolved, maybe related, maybe not. Sometimes a killer use different methods, for example: Zodiac Killer (Arthur Leigh Allen?) shot his victims and later stabbed a taxi driver in 1969 (and earlier stabbed a college freshman girl, Cheri Jo Bates in 1966).

Best witness is the dead witness. For the killer.

Take care of vulnerables: elderlies, children, ill and disabled people! (And animals.)

Mississippi Five - Elderly Murders (1996-1998):


