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Sensing Murder - The Scarlet Letter - Beth Barnard | Vivienne Cameron

Movie Queen
Date: 2024. 02. 09.
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Date: 2024. 02. 09.
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Personally I think the Psychics have right. This is a cover-up! Who killed Beth he/she killed Vivienne Cameron too... :( :( The husband? A family member? Another jealous lover? A secret admirer? Or someone else? Still unsolved...
In 1986, Elizabeth 'Beth' Barnard was found dead at her parents' property at Phillip Island. The alleged killer Vivienne Cameron disappeared without a trace on the same night and her deserted car was found near the San Remo Bridge on the island. After an extensive three-day land and sea search, Vivienne's body was never found. Ruth Wilson, Debbie Malone and Scott Russell Hill investigate.