Covers the 1977 murder of Lesley Calvert (33), wife of farmer Lindsay Calvert who was a suspect in her death. Notably, it was the first time a lead suspect in a case asked for the case to be looked at. Psychic Mediums, Deb Webber and Kelvin Cruickshank investigate...That's unequivocal for me that the husband, Lindsay didn't kill his wife, Lesley. He had alibi too, his friend with him. 11:22...14:22 :( But her lover..."the master of the sheep" (56:38) he is very shady. The Helpers searched that area over where 7 months later Lesley's Body appeared and nonsense that cattles trampled on her neck...and the body wasn't there in February when the searchers soke Her there! Maybe She was in the lover's freezer... :( This is a psychopatic, cold-blooded murderer who tortured Lesley's Animals too. :( Otherwise very unsympthic that Lesley cheated her husband when He was in the hospital with skin cancer..."desperate for company"!? Woman, you are married! Your place is the hospital with your hubby, not with another guy...and the farm, and the children! Know your duty! Husband, kids, farm! (I think the Lion's Club was a perfect place for whoring/seek other men... :S Sorry, but the fact is fact!) But Lindsay is also annoying at the end, "I wanna cleared for myself. I wanna cleared for my children. I wanna cleared for my grandchildren." And Lesley? Her killer doesn't matter? Just clear yourself, man!? What matters, catch the killer, not your stigma! Selfish. Also strange when Sandra calls Her Dad 'Lindsay'. I never called My Parents on their first name...Impertinence! :S 6:38...27:36 "Pony Club" (L) I also love Animals, Kelvin! ;) Table tennis...She was a champion. Aha, table tennis was one of my fav sport in high school. :) We had table tennis in our garden too when We lived at the countryside when I was Little Child. I always overlied on the middle of the table, My Dad and Bro can't play, because I wanted to play board game with them. Funny Lil' Girl! :D (P.S.: Lesley was a below-average woman, looked like an old lady and fat too, so this Lion Club thing was perfect for Her...and the Daugther's, Sandra's accent, tone of voice and speech defect (her "s" :S ) are so pesky for my ears...Terrible!)
Lesley's Murder is still unsolved after 47!!! years too...Rest in Peace, Lesley! :(