I think Phelps maybe was on wrong way in this case. Lots of People there still think a policeman committed this crime and other officers know this...but definitely not Mike Dubois, Whitnei's brother. Rather a drug dealer in the local party house. Or police related. Still unsolved. Sadly 8 Victims killer/s is/are still on the loose after 19 years too. Not "conspiracy theory" that Joseph James DeAngelo was the Original Night Stalker/Golden State Killer...many corrupt policemen are in the world, very possible, Matt, very possible! You trust in police, but they aren't so trustful in every case. Police know more, but didn't do nothing and still don't. So revisit your thoughts about the cover up, you naive catholic!!! Live in the reality/on Earth!!! Watch the 2001 movie 'Training Day' with Denzel Washington (bad cop) and Ethan Hawke (good cop)! (Good movie, Washington won Oscar for his role.) Or 1958 Orson Welles movie, 'Touch of Evil', Welles played a corrupt cop. Not all policman are corrupt, but lots of officers are, man! But don't be extremist either! There are many good, honest cops in the world. Just not in Jefferson Parish.
Jeff Davis 8 (2005-2009):