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Download Lament / Turkish eulogy

Date: 2023. 10. 17.
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Date: 2023. 10. 17.
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mourning for their lost loved ones, they sometimes also wrote poignant and elegiac pieces in mourning for some noble and loyal domestic animals such as horses.نوحه-ترکی/

This Marathi was often written in the form of " mani " (Bayati and Turkish couplets in seven syllables). Among the very ancient Turkish tribes, there was another kind of dirge, which was called "Sagur" and it was used in the mourning of young men, warriors, generous men, elders of tribes, etc., along with the wailing of "Qupuz" (instrument) with sad songs. They read

During the days of mourning , Turkish-speaking Shiites gather in Karbala and mourn. They listen to and recite Arabic and Persian poetry and Marathi, but they do not understand their meanings and concepts well. I decided to write a book in Turkish verse and prose about the sufferings of Hazrat Seyyed al-Shahada so that they too read this book and mourn during these days and ceremonies.

Below, we have provided you with a number of Turkish praises and laments from the country's famous praisers and put them with a direct link. Please share this post with your friends if you like it.