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Sensing Murder - Insight

Movie Queen
Date: 2024. 02. 14.
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Date: 2024. 02. 14.
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Shows the behind the scenes of the show...2004 episode, but David, please accept that your birth mother died in an accident cause of her immoral lifestyle! Police said: accident, Medical Examiner said: accident, Psychic Deb Webber said: accident. Accept & MOVE ON! It was accident, not homicide, man! Your birth mother was an alcoholist prostitute criminal who CHOICED her addiction and jail, not her children!!! Not you, not your sisters, not your brothers, HERSELF!!! Abandoned you, left you. Love/respect yourself much more and forget her, she didn't deserve ANY attention, care or forgiveness!!! Love and respect your FOSTER PARENTS who RAISED YOU and your sisters-brothers! They are your REAL PARENTS, not this Margaret woman who had 6 kids when she was prostitute didn't know what means condom (and pills), this is very interesting!!! "Sorry", but Animal Mothers have more responsibility like your birth mother had...she died many decades ago in an accident, time to leave her in the past and move on and love Your Foster Parents! They deserve Love, Respect and Your Every Attention. They are HEROES, not this sour-faced woman, your DNA donor. Being pregnant isn't a big thing, to raise Children is so,so much bigger!!! And I hope you grew up and forgot these disgusting face piercings!!! Personally as conservative I hate tattoos and piercings too, deviant David looked like his mother was...trashes of the society. It looks he didn't deserve foster parents, if this criminal birth mother is his idol ...Mommy's 40 (now 60) years old "little" punky boy. This isn't judge, only FACTS! Period. Accident, David, accident!!! Forget her.

That "sceptic" psychologist Nigel guy with his testosterone-free high voice (I hate sceptics!)...too much gay guy in this episode, both need psychiatrist as "rainbow tribe" members, they are mentally ill. Analyze yourself Nigel, not Deb! This is abuse of a Psychic, I wonder why Deb allowed that.

Luana 'LaVerne' Williams: "She is dead." It looks Mom knows something...STILL UNSOLVED!

Tracey Ann Patient: No, She hadn't got accent, real/pure english is the british english! On the contrary fake australian english is horrible, gibberish! :S Thank God for the subtitles on YT! Sometimes they sound like uneducated peasants. STILL UNSOLVED!

Olive Walker: This aboriginal young investigator is terrible...doesn't believe in psychics, always smiling/laughing like a fool, this isn't a comedy, man...somebody brutally murdered this young lady, Olive!!! :( Take it seriously!!! STILL UNSOLVED!

Angela Blackmoore: Best part! 50:21...51:18 :) SOLVED! A former gang-member female killed Angela with a guy's help who looked like what Psychics said, they stay in jail for life. She thought: I'm not happy, 2,5 months pregnant Angela won't be happy either with her fiancé and her 2 years old son... :( :( + Maybe Angela knew too much.

Alicia O'Reilly: 53:47 :( 54:03 :) "Rosebank..." 57:05 Rest In Peace, Little Angel! (L) :( Typical serial offender "evolution": start with burglary then rape, later rape and murder too. Was it a painter? Definitely working-class, uneducated type, like mechanic or such a thing, not too smart, not an intellectual, but very lucky or the police is incompetent...56:15 Narrow-minded idiots! Every trace matters! Do they protect a killer?...Golden State Killer, DeAngelo was a police officer. 1:07:11 (L) STILL UNSOLVED!

George Engelbrecht: 59:20 :) This Marie woman enjoyed the TV appearence...shame! Her brother killed an elderly man, a last dirty criminal scumbag who hated the work. Only good reaction: speak with police and hide, not appear, Marie! Same blood. :S 1:06:19 :( 1:06:31 (L) :) I feel, Mr. Engelbrecht was a good old guy, He deserves this gravestone and lots of beautiful bouquets! Rest In Peace, Sir! OFFICIALLY STILL UNSOLVED!


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