Tisztelt Felhasználó! Legyen ön is felelős Internet használó és kapcsolja be a láblécben található gyermekzárat, hogy a digitális eszközt használó kiskorú felhasználó ne tudjon elérni 18 év alattiaknak nem ajánlott tartalmakat. A gyermekzár bekapcsolásával ezek a tartalmak automatikusan letiltásra kerülnek a Videa felületein. Ezt a felelős lépést csak ön tudja megtenni.

A kiskorúakra nézve káros tartalom elérését a Videa Általános Felhasználási Feltételeinek május 3-i változásával összhangban kizárólag regisztrált felhasználóinknak engedélyezük.


Videa anonymous visitor ID (cookie) management

An anonymous visitor ID (cookie) is a unique string capable of being used for identification and storing profile information, placed by providers on the computers of visitors. Please note that since the full IP address is not stored during its use, such a string in itself cannot identify a customer, i.e. a visitor, in any way and only enables the recognition of the visitor’s computer. It is not required to provide a name, e-mail address or any other personal information as the provider does not request such details from the visitor when using such solutions; in fact, data is only exchanged between computers.

In the networking world, personal information and customized services may only be provided if providers are able to uniquely identify the habits and needs of their customers. Similarly to other providers, Mediaworks Hungary Plc. manages the aforementioned depersonalized, anonymous IDs to gain more insight into how its customers use information in order to improve the quality of its services and display customized pages and marketing (advertising) materials to its customers visiting the website. Anonymous IDs are not linked to a personal database; however, depersonalized, anonymous IDs created when visiting any of the websites in the portfolio of Mediaworks Hungary Plc. or any contracted third parties will be linked to help improve the quality of service.