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Sensing Murder - Out of the Dark Part 1. - Chattrice Maihi-Carroll

Movie Queen
Date: 2024. 03. 03.
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Date: 2024. 03. 03.
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2008 murder of a 46-year-old Napier grandmother, Chattrice Maihi-Carroll. Psychic Mediums, Deb Webber and Sue Nicholson investigate...My first thought: She was the new neighbor there, who lives alone and this was a burglary. But She wasn't rich and had extended circle of acquaintance, parties in her house, drinking (not good if she had epilepsy)...he could be a neighbor, or a lover..."male visitor" / "someone special", very special because he killed Her :S :( or a gang member did. At 11:43 the little boy found her: nude, murdered...was an awful sight, especially for a child. :( The medical examiner washed Her!? Really!? A Victim of A Homicide? Unbelievable! Very amateur. Poor Family...Especially Her Dad... :( Unbearable pain. (I was also Daddy's Girl. :) :( ) Otherwise defensive barriers on the front doors and windows are very important. Especially for a single woman who lives alone.

Rest in Peace, Chattrice! :( Her Case is unfortunately still unsolved.



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