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Sensing Murder - Almost Perfect - Crawford Family

Movie Queen
Date: 2024. 02. 12.
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Date: 2024. 02. 12.
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This episode deals with the case of family annihilator, Elmer Crawford...he appeared to be an average family man, but then in 1970, Crawford murdered his 2,5 months pregnant wife and their three children, with no apparent motive... :( :( :( :( :(

Psychics, Deb Webber and Barbara Neilson are able to shed some light on this incident. Real experts, they named the town where he lived (1:00:55 Sydenham / Redfern...Sydney, NSW) and his new name too (45:56 Alan or Anthony Roberts / Alan or Anthony Robertson who worked at an airport...Maybe Robert Roberts or Robert Robertson.)

The "execution" was far away from the perfect level, the polce found the murder scene before he cleaned up their house...the investigators and medical examiners aren't stupid bunch and the dead bodies told them everything...not car accident. But they never caught him, still on the run...if he lives (little chance), 93-94 years old today (born in 1930).

28:04... :) John recognized James. 1:09:00 (L) Poor Kids and Mom... :( It looks, They loved to live in that house, but what happened there... raze to the ground is the best!

59:31...Wow! Alma's shocking moment...But was he Crawford? "He could be anywhere..." Unfortunately!

First time, I believed Barbara Neilson was the "anonim psychic" in Mr. Cruel Case, they have quite similar voice, but Barbara's lips are much thicker, the anonim has slim lips. Barbara's wig and fake eyeglasses are strange. Deb also used wig sometimes, here too, but why!? Not the best camouflage, just say. Not chemothearpy, that's sure. Maybe their hairdressers were amateurs. I try not to imagine Deb with pink, short hair... :)

53:44 Light of my day, the handsome P. I., Anthony Wemyss! (k) I fly to you, Anthony! ;)

Crawford was 40 at that time, maybe it was a midlife crisis...the men in their 40s-50s want to be young again...freedom, buddies, drinking, women and/or learning, build career, just too late, those days never come back...they are so pitiable. Their father died, their mother died, and they will die within 20-30 exit! Accept this, don't escape! I knew a ~52 years old "mature" man who wanted to be 25 years old young guy again...funny and laughable! :D 52 is the new 25. I think eveybody laugh behind his back. Grow up, idiot! His time is almost up and plays Mr. Casanova, collect females on FB / IG, but simply he needs a good psychologist, 'cos big chaos in his tiny mind. Even so I know 40s Men who enjoy that They are 40s and much more mature/serious than this lunatic ~52 years old (nobody in his 20s stays nobody in his 50s, and one of his legs in the cemetery...congrats!). :S

But this evil Crawford guy was a psycopath mass murderer, a family annihilator too...much lower level. A sick monster...How could he do this with (his own) children!? :( Disgusting!

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