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Bayer volg - Fulfilled prophecy - the Brusselites can do anything

Date: 2024. 01. 14.
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Date: 2024. 01. 14.
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Category: news & politics

Tusk also totally ignored and bracketed the Polish constitutionality and rule-of-law. He used his goons to violently occupy the Polish public television, the public radio and the national news agency. As the next step a former minister of interior affairs and his deputy were handcuffed and arrested in the president's office. Both of them are the representatives of the political party PiS, which is now in opposition. All the meanwhile Brussels remained silent, just smiling and aiding abetting all this. Because if a leftist, Brusselite government is in power, they can do anything. This is the "new" democracy that we might have to learn. However, I strongly advise against learning it and we should never let it happen in our own country.