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Unsolved - The Disappearence of Claudia Lawrence

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Date: 2024. 05. 07.
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Date: 2024. 05. 07.
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Claudia Elizabeth Lawrence was born in Malton on February 27, 1974. She was raised in the Hewton area of York by her father Peter Lawrence, a solicitor, and mother Joan.

She worked as a chef at the Goodricke College at the Roger Kirk Centre of the University of York, where she generally worked morning shifts at the time of her disappearance.

What also became a focus of the investigation was that Claudia visited Cyprus on five occasions prior to her disappearance. There has once a suspicion that she may have started a new life on the Mediterranean island.

Detectives believe Ms Lawrence was murdered, although no body has ever been found.

The last time she was seen was a sighting in York on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. A phone call with her parents, Joan and Peter, was the last time she was heard from by her family. After finishing a regular morning shift at the University of York, Claudia left at 2.30pm and started walking the three-mile trek home, which she had been doing for weeks while her car was unavailable.

A friend driving past spotted her on Melrosegate and offered her a lift, which she accepted, and she was then dropped off at her cottage in Heworth Road at approximately 2.50pm. A friend later saw her returning home at 3.05pm and there was a reported sighting in between of her posting a letter nearby.

At around 8pm, she texted a friend and then half an hour later she received a call from her mother, who described her as sounding “cheerful and relaxed”. The last text received by Claudia was from a male friend in Cyprus who worked in a bar.

After failing to turn up for her morning shift on Thursday, March 19, 2009, Claudia’s manager attempted to call her mobile but did not receive an answer. At 12.08pm Claudia’s phone switched off, with later investigations showing that this was done deliberately. In the evening, she was scheduled to meet her friend Suzy Cooper but didn’t turn up.

Her friend Suzy continued trying to contact Claudia, but with no luck she contacted Claudia's father Peter Lawrence, who went round to the house with a spare key to check on his daughter. Mr Lawrence said: “I was worried to death quite honestly and was even more so when I went through and found that she wasn’t in the house.”

He then reported his daughter to North Yorkshire Police as a missing person, and the investigation began.

Police found that the only things missing from her home were her rucksack, mobile phone and chef’s whites, which suggested she had left in the early hours of the March 19 for work. None of these items have been recovered.

After the appeal was released, there were 2 potential sightings reported of a woman with a man on the morning of the 19th: one by a cyclist on Melrosegate bridge at 5.35am and again 30 minutes later, when a commuter noticed a couple outside the university who looked like they were arguing. The man was described as skinny, about 5’6 and wearing a dark hoodie.

In the intervening 14 years, 9 arrests have been made but no charges undertaken over Claudia’s disappearance.

Several people were arrested but later released and no names were ever confirmed, and despite recent developments, Claudia's fate remains unclear.

Christopher Halliwell has been referred to in connection with her disappearance and suspected murder, his pattern of behaviour fitted with the disappearance of Claudia.

2024...She disappeared 15 years ago and would have celebrated her 50th birthday on 27 February:

What happened to Claudia?:

Interesting Tarot reading (I have Tarot Reader Diploma, so... I like these things. :) ,Empress is a pregnant lady, many men around her...knights, pages, kings, emperor and a jealous woman too (the Queen of Wands is not Claudia for me, rather a jealous wife/partner/girlfriend). Sadly, I think Claudia is a victim of a homicide, no chance to come back (any Cyprus). I think differently, she wanted to keep the baby, but the dad of her child wasn't happy.

Missing or Murdered:

Follow in her footsteps:

Devil's Advocate:

So, "spinster sister" :S besties maybe aren't bests...."I'm a rubbish friend." Yes, you are... :S, and other "friend" too... :S

Nicola Tallant: "It doesn't matter how she lived her life, she didn't deserve to be murdered." I agree, 100%. Period!

The Shadowy Disappearence of Claudia Lawrence:

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